

Our intent for Science is to have a ‘Hands on, minds on’ approach. We want to develop engaged, inquisitive and determined Scientists; both through practical learning and a secure understanding of Scientific knowledge. We intend for children to independently apply their Scientific knowledge through carefully planned opportunities for working scientifically and deeper learning in every lesson. Through a combination of these activities and rich discussion, we will develop resilient learners, who are able to work together to problem solve. Each activity will provide opportunities to observe, question and evaluate a range of methods, ideas and natural phenomena.


A long-term overview ensures that the National Curriculum 2014 is taught over a two-year cycle. Science is taught in concentrated blocks of 2-3 days within the last 2 weeks of each half term, in order to ensure accurate coverage of skills and objectives through high quality teaching. Staff are supported to plan for careful progression in knowledge and sequence learning using well-considered knowledge organisers, as well as collaboration with each other and the academy.

In order to build secure mental models and help children retain their knowledge, each new unit begins with retrieval practice of the units taught so far. Every Science ‘block’ focuses on the Working Scientifically skills, carefully balanced with the acquirement of knowledge in order that children fully understand their practical work.

Children apply their scientific knowledge to an ‘Einstein question’ in every session to promote deeper learning, as well as learning about how scientists past and present have made an impact on their world.

We ensure children have the highest of expectations for Science by insisting on the same level of presentation, thought and quality of language is used in their scientific writing.

Our curriculum is adapted where appropriate to reflect current scientific events and medium-term planning is revised half-termly to include any specific requirements of a particular-group or individual. Science ‘Topics’ are planned for the most resourceful times, e.g. ‘Plants’ is taught in Spring to enable real life planting experiences. Teacher’s will provide the opportunities for rich discussion and questioning to ensure deeper inquisition and knowledge, and create an environment where curiosity is celebrated, so scientific discovery can thrive.

Enrichment opportunities are provided through ‘Women in Science Day’ and ‘British Science Week.’ Children learn about the possibilities for different careers in Science and we also celebrate diversity in Science through a range of external visitors. Science professionals from the local and wider community provide real life Science experiences for the children. Pupil voice helps to provide future opportunities for enrichment experiences also.

Every term, staff assess three focus children for the knowledge and skills required. They use evidence of knowledge and application gathered in books such as independent retrieval practice; Einstein questions and practical investigations.


We develop engaged, inquisitive Scientists through a focus on the Working Scientifically skills. Children retain and recall their Scientific knowledge and are able to apply this to practical opportunities. Children can also reason with their knowledge and apply this to ‘deeper’ questions.

Science results and data historically has been excellent, particularly at the end of Key Stage Two, where results have been consistently above the national average.

Through pupil voice, children express a love for Science and the practical nature of it, as well as the discussion that is allowed to happen within lessons.