Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural (SMSC)

At Henry Chadwick Primary School we ensure that we promote British Values and the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural aspects of learning through the delivery of a broad curriculum that offers a wide range of opportunities and experiences for the children.

Our curriculum helps children to understand their place in society as well as being able to respect and appreciate the traditions and cultures of others.

We actively promote the teaching of moral responsibility through explicit teaching of justice and democracy within Henry Chadwick Primary School. Children are encouraged to take on individual responsibilities to prepare them for their future.

Our motto is: “Learn to Live”

and at Henry Chadwick Primary School we actively promote skills to equip our pupils for the future.

For more information on British Values at Henry Chadwick please the British Values page.

SMSC Overview

All National Curriculum subjects and the enrichment activities offered at Henry Chadwick, provide opportunities to promote pupils’ Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Explicit opportunities to promote children’s development in these areas are provided in Religious Education and the SEAL framework for personal, social and health education (PHSE). A significant contribution is also made through school ethos, effective and supportive relationships through the school, assemblies and other curriculum areas.

Spiritual Development

Spiritual development involves the growth of children’s sense of self, their unique potential, their understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, their curiosity about themselves and their place in the World and the ability to ask and try to answer fundamental questions. They develop the skills, knowledge, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to foster their own inner lives and non-material well-being.

Moral development

Pupils’ moral development involves acquiring an understanding of the difference between right and wrong and of moral conflict, a concern for others and the will to do what is right. They are able and willing to reflect on the consequences of their actions and learn how to forgive themselves and others.  They develop the skills, knowledge, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to make moral decisions and act on them.

Social Development

Pupils’ social development involves acquiring an understanding of the responsibilities and rights of being members of families and communities (local, national and global) and an ability to relate to others for the common good. They develop a sense of belonging and an increasing willingness to participate. They develop the skills, knowledge, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to make an active contribution to the democratic process in their communities. As a result, they learn to develop positive relationships and interdependence.

Cultural Development

Henry Chadwick is situated in an area that is not culturally diverse, therefore, we place great importance on promoting and teaching about diversity.  Pupils’ cultural development involves children acquiring an understanding of cultural traditions and the ability to appreciate and respond to a variety of experiences. They develop a respect for their own culture and that of others; show an interest in the different ways of doing things and foster and celebrate differences between people. They develop the skills, knowledge, understanding, qualities and attitudes they need to understand, appreciate and contribute to culture.