Our intention for RE at Henry Chadwick is to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions, explore different religious beliefs, values and traditions and develop an understanding of the religious diversity in our multi-cultural society. We aim for our pupils to become religiously literate in order to be able to ask insightful questions about the world and to reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences.
A long-term overview ensures that the Staffordshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education 2022 is taught over a two-year cycle. Our curriculum is adapted where appropriate to reflect current religious festivals and events
R.E. Expectations
Explore – to explore religious beliefs, teachings and practices.
Engage – to engage with fundamental questions raised by life and experiences
Reflect – to reflect on religious diversity and develop skills of self-awareness, moral judgement and responsible choice.
Early Years
Teaching Expectations:
- One 60 minute RE/Understanding the World lesson to be taught per week.
- Lessons can be through books (e.g. the Puddles series), Circle Time discussions, videos, handling artefacts, visitors, acting out stories etc.
- RE to be taught in discreet 60 minute weekly lessons in KS1 and 75 minutes in KS2.
- Follow the units allocated in Long Term RE overview.
- Use the RE planning sheets to ensure you are thinking about assessment, key questions and deeper thinking.
- A visit to a place of worship, or a visitor from a faith community is encouraged whenever possible.
By the time our children leave us they will have a clear understanding of some of the religions that make up our diverse society, showing tolerance and understanding of all different beliefs. They will leave us equipped explores the big questions of life and morality.